
Limbus Company introduces two new Identities for both Heathcliff and Gregor in the latest update

Limbus Company introduces two new Identities for both Heathcliff and Gregor in the latest update

The very unique and oddball gacha RPG Limbus Company has received two new characters to roll for that will be available from June 8th to the 22nd. These two new Identities are for Heathcliff and Gregor respectively, and both offer up some really interesting new ways to play the characters.

Limbus Company, for the unaware, is the semi-recently released gacha RPG from the cult classic indie developer Project Moon. With their best-known work being Lobotomy Corporation, and their follow-up Library of Ruina being nearly as popular, they struck out to enter the mobile scene with Limbus Company. If the player base is anything to go off of, they were quite successful in this endeavour, creating a unique and in-depth turn-based experience full of excellent character writing and awesome combat.

Looking to try out other character collection-based RPGs? Check out our Top 25 best gacha games for iOS!

Now, fans of the character Heathcliff especially have something to roll for on the new gacha banner. His new 3-star Identity, Lobotomy E.G.O.::Sunshower, is possibly the most interesting Identity we’ve received yet. His kit revolves around inflicting the Sinking status effect on enemies and himself alike, and then utilizing those stacks to either buff himself or inflict Rupture and do big damage to foes.

Then, we have Gregor. He’s the 2-star this time around in his Rosespanner Workshop Fixer form. This kit revolves mostly around inflicting Tremor and Rupture respectively, able to deal out both in spades to do massive damage with his stronger abilities. Combine him with the new Sunshower Identity, and there’s a combo that is likely to tear up your enemies with ease.

Overall, these two new additions are excellent to add to your team and can be combined with other Rupture-based units to make an awesome team comp that will chip out health bars like nothing else in the game.

If you want to try out these new characters yourself, you can download Limbus Company for free at either of the links below!

Limbus Company icon
Download now!

Connor Derrick
Connor Derrick
Connor is a diehard JRPG fan and an equally diehard fan of writing. When he isn’t putting 100+ hours into the latest Atlus release, he’s playing board games with his partner or blasting a mid-2000s punk record. Music, film, writing, and games are his biggest passions, and he hopes to one day unite all of those in some way or another.