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Call of Dragons Deep Dive: Farlight Games’ devs share their insight on its fantasy MMO

Call of Dragons Deep Dive: Farlight Games’ devs share their insight on its fantasy MMO

Call of Dragons, the MMO fantasy conquest game from Farlight Games, is now available for iOS, Android and PC, inviting mobile and PC gamers the world over to dive into its magical world of Tamaris and do battle with the evil forces that threaten to destroy it.

Featuring a map that covers over 3.88 million square meters of terrain, Call of Dragons is a truly epic sized game that boasts a richly detailed storyline and a host of imaginative characters to populate its fantasy MMO world. And, besides the joy of discovering new lands and the magical creatures that inhabit them, players can look forward to the continual thrill of conquest by expanding their kingdoms into new regions, as well as battling and overcoming the challenging opponents and epic bosses they encounter along the way. Call of Dragons treats players to every possible form of combat you can think of, featuring PvP, PvE, GvG, and GvE modes for a variety of play styles; but your strategic thinking won’t just be tested on the battlefield. As part of the kingdom building aspect of CoD’s gameplay, you’ll have to continually plan the best course of action when it comes to research, resource gathering, troop training, and expansion to make sure your kingdom flourishes.

To help fill its fans in on some of the magic and mystery behind the game, Farlight Games recently released a series of deep dives from its dev team, and we’ve picked out some of the key things we’ve learnt from their insight.

On Behemoths

Behemoths are some of the most fearsome and impressive creatures you’ll encounter in any strategy game, and, if you can bring them to heel, one of the most effective units you can deploy. Call of Dragons’ Art Designer explains that Behemoths are one of the most ancient creatures in the game, stating that “Behemoths once freely roamed Tamaris. But under the influence of Manastone, they’ve become weapons of the darkness. You can band together with your allies to defeat them, tame them, and even summon them in battle! But watch out. In Call of Dragons, facing even a single Behemoth on the battlefield is a terrifying prospect.”

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Defeating a Behemoth will allow your Alliance to train and summon them into battle where their unique skills and destructive capabilities open up a number of strategic possibilities. Call of Dragons’ Producer, Xiao Fu, provides us with a few examples, such as using a Hydra to “unleash a cloud of poisonous vapor that lowers the enemy’s HP. And if you’re up against a huge army you can order it to charge into your enemy’s formation and decimate their ranks” or “if your forces have taken heavy losses you could summon a Magma Daemon to heal them en masse. And if you’re completely outnumbered your Flame Dragon could lay waste to your enemy’s legions while also hugely increasing the damage you deal.”

Favourite Heroes

In case you’re struggling to decide which faction you’d like to play as, Art Designer Simon picked out some favorite heroes that might help you decide.

From the League of Order, Simon considers Liliya one of his favorite characters owing to her wild and manic persona, pointing out that Liliya “is as powerful as she is crazy. She’s a practitioner of highly advanced magic, and when she attacks she doesn’t care who gets hurt. Her madness is what gives her joy - and power, too.” Those magical talents also make her an essential hero when playing with the League of Order, possessing both a Peacekeeping and Skill talent tree that makes her a perfect asset for both PvP and PvE modes.

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From the Wilderburgs, Simon has a particular fondness for the immensely powerful, and always hungry Orc, Chakcha. According to Simon,“He’s a voracious eater, and learnt the art of pie-making from his mentor, Kakhruz. He’s already started up his own pie shop. But this gentle giant is anything but when it comes to the battlefield. He’s a top-class hunter with an extensive knowledge of the creatures of the wilderness. And his powerful ax swing can cleave his enemies in two!” His hunting skills makes Chakcha an especially good resource gatherer, and therefore a perfect asset for quickly building up your kingdom.

From the Springwardens, the green-clad, Elven archer, Gwanywn, stands out as one of the characters the Call of Dragons devs like best. “Gwanwyn hails from Moonvale, and she’s one of the Srpingwarden’s top archers. Her bow is her most prized possession and closest friend. She’s no damsel in distress! She can take down her targets on the battlefield in the blink of an eye. And that includes the Orc, Chakcha.” Gwanywn is one of the most powerful epic Heroes available in the game with the ability to deal out an insane amount of damage; you’ll definitely want to have her at the vanguard of any battle.

Boosting with Artifacts

Among the many innovations Call of Dragons brings when it comes to RTS titles, Artifacts is probably the one that stands out the most. Or at least, it has the potential to be the most impactful. Producer, Xiao Fu, explains how skills “like Blink and Teleport are usually associated with MOBAs and in Call of Dragons you can enjoy the same feeling of real-time control and spellcasting. That’s just one more innovation we’re bringing to the field of mobile strategy. In typical mobile strategy games you feel more like a spectator than a participant. The usual gameplay of tapping and dragging your troops from one battle to another just doesn’t make you feel like you’re part of the world. Call of Dragons; Artifact system brings a whole new layer of enjoyment and freedom to RTS combat and puts the magic into this magical world.”

These highlights only scratch the surface of these special deep-dives, which we recommend you check out via Call of Dragons’ official YouTube channel. In the meantime, stay tuned for further updates via the game's official website which promise to bring new characters and new storylines to this epic MMOSLG.

If you’re yet to give it a try, you can find Call of Dragons currently available to download from the iOS App Store and Google Play Store. It’s a free-to-play game with in-app purchases.

Luke Frater
Luke Frater
Considered the most likely member of Pocket Gamer's staff to be mistaken for Daredevil, Luke's role of managing sponsored content isn't nearly as glamorous or heroic as the actions of his superhero doppelganger, but he's still a hero to us.